
In short

I work with senior and board level execs to get them to understand what “digital transformation” means in practice.

I work with portfolio, product, design and operations teams leading or coaching them in service design and delivery.

I do research, explain and horizon scan more left-field/radical areas of design and technology and experiment with their potential use cases.

Explain more

What I do sits between operations, design, technology and management.

I have experience using agile ways of working and running design and software teams. I use this on-the-ground experience to explain and persuade board-level-people about business cases or direction changes.

I make sure that teams are set up well, high performing and coordinated with what the organisation wants to achieve. Being involved in a range of conversations across the organisation helps to make this happen.

I work across sectors and split my time between the people at the coal-face who are doing and management who are coordinating. This helps me remain sharp while staying aware of the bigger picture.


Once on the ground the problem isn’t usually design, technology or delivery.

It is softer and more nuanced than that. It’s about understanding the shifting expectations of customers, keeping abreast of the ever changing technology landscape and experimenting with how you get people and organisations working together towards a coherent goal.

So I make sure that happens as well.